My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Htio bih da postoji biografija o svakom geniju kao što je ova. Jednostavna, kratka a obuhvaća toliko toga da nakon čitanja ne osjećaš da si propustio nešto, čak i kada se radi o jednom od najvećih genija u povijesti. Ova knjiga mi je približila Nikolu Teslu kao nijedna TV emisija do sada. Fasciniran sam jednostavnošću tog čovjeka koji je cijelog sebe dao da čovječanstvu bude bolje. Da nije bilo pohlepnih ljudi kao i danas, tko će znati što bi ovaj veliki dobri čovjek još izmislio i podario svima nama. Neću stati na ovoj knjizi što se tiče Tesle, istražit ću još više njegov život jer nas je zadužio svojim dijelima da to svi uradimo.
Knjigu sam pročitao za jednu večer i ostao sam opčinjen likom i dijelom Nikole Tesle, što se može i vidjeti iz ovih hvalospjeva. A Sean Patrick kao autor ove knjige je zaslužan jer je u ovako jednostavnoj knjizi približio svima nama jednog ovakvog genija. Hvala gosp.Patrick na tome.
Šta je to što knjiga govori o genijima? Govori o istraživanjima koji su dokazali da se netko ne rodi s talentom nego da je jedan zajednički nazivnik svim ljudima koji su uspjeli a može se svesti na ono popularno što danas koristimo - 10 000 sati da bi postao stručnjak za nešto. Svi veliki ljudi su to radili, a za tu količinu rada je potrebna neopisiva želja i upornost. Uz to potreban je i prilika, tj. da se nađe u pravoj prilici da se dokaže. Hoćemo li dobiti priliku ili ne ovisi o vanjskim faktorima na koje mi možemo utjecati. Najvažnija stvar iz ove knjige, a to je ono što je učinilo Nikolu Teslu velikim, je da geniji imaju moć mašte i radoznalosti. Što je Tesla još začinio sa vizualizacijom pa je bio u stanju sve točno vidjeti kako želi da bude pa onda i raditi potrebne korake da dođe do toga. Da je bar imao nekoga sličnog sebi tko ga je mogao financirati bez fige u džepu kao J.P.Morgan. Koliko su mu samo patenata drugi ukrali - x-zrake, radio valovi, itd. Njega to nije zanimalo, on je samo htio stvarati i pomagati što ga čini još većim.
Ispod su citati koje sam izvukao iz ove knjige koji su me se dojmili. Želim ih pročitati često i podsjetiti se na lekciju koju nose, lekciju velikog čovjeka Nikole Tesle.
"Henry Ford failed in business several times and was flat broke five times before he founded the Ford Motor Company. In his youth, Thomas Edison’s teachers told him he was “too stupid to learn anything.” Beethoven was so awkward on the violin that his teachers believed him hopeless as a composer."
"From Mozart to Bobby Fischer to Bill Gates to the Beatles, their diverse journeys from nothing toward excellence in their respective fields shared a common denominator: the accumulation of ten thousand hours of unwavering “exercise” of their crafts."
"we can easily see that being in the right place (physical, educational, societal, or otherwise) at the right time can influence our destinies as much as anything else."
"Opportunities are whispers, not foghorns."
"Imagination is the life force of the genius code."
"They were far more efficient and durable, and thus far more profitable. Edison was thoroughly impressed, but when Tesla asked to be paid, Edison laughed and claimed he was only joking about the reward." (kada je obećao tesli 50 000$ ako mu pomogne riješiti jedan problem)
"His studies led him to discover what we now know as X-rays, and how to use them to produce radiographs. He didn’t make his discoveries widely known, however, which is why they would later be attributed to German physicist Willhelm Rontgen. X-rays were the first of several groundbreaking discoveries of Tesla’s that would wind up misattributed to others."
"Disgusted by Edison’s shameless cruelty and dishonesty, Tesla began performing regular exhibitions of his technology in his laboratory in which he lighted lamps by allowing alternating current electricity to flow through his body. Public opinion swung to and fro, unsure of whom to believe."
"In time, these royalties would’ve made Tesla the world’s first billionaire. Instead, they enabled Westinghouse to save his company. Tesla’s selflessness was a testament not only to his generosity and goodwill, but his belief in his ability to continue to create his future."
"No magnificent product of the imagination—whether a machine, painting, or philosophy—was created in a complete vacuum. The invention of the telegraph took the efforts of a thousand, but the last man, who added that final inspired touch, got the credit."
"The more varied your knowledge and experiences are, the more likely you are to be able to create new associations and fresh ideas."
"Read books, watch documentaries, and discuss your ideas with others. No subject, no matter how specialized or esoteric, is off limits. You never know where your imagination will find pieces for its puzzles."
Hvala ti genije. Hvala što si im pokazao šta znači biti čovjek.
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