My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Autor ima stil pisanja koji je jednostavan i lagan za čitati zato ćete sigurno ovu knjigu bez problema pročitati. Koristi svoj život kao primjer svih savjeta koje daje.
Najvažnija lekcija koju sam naučio u ovoj knjizi je da trebam pisati dnevno 10 ideja kako bih razvio taj "mišić" u mozgu da budem stroj za ideje. Ali u biti se ovo može prenijeti na bilo koji drugi dio života ili razmišljanja koji želim popraviti.
Ostale stvari koje se navode u ovoj knjizi su nešto što sam u biti već pročitao u raznim knjigama. Na primjer kada govori o malim koracima svaki dan u unaprijeđivanju, to je iz knjige Kaizen. Kada govori o ranijem ustajanju, to je iz knjige Miracle Morning. Kada govori o kvalitetnijoj ishrani, to je iz bilo kojeg članka tko se imalo interesirao ili išao u teretanu jedno vrijeme.
Savjetuje fizičku aktivnost, što nije ništa previše novo. Savjetuje svakodnevne sitnice u kojima možemo biti aktivni umjesto da sjedimo (stepenice, šetnja, itd.)
Knjigu svakako preporučam da se pročita jer će se pronaći brdo stvari za razmišljanje. Kao na primjer činjenica da je fakultet bespotreban, ili da sve više poslova nestaje jer se zamjenjuju poslovima od kuće ili outsourcingom, kako je umrežavanje bespotrebno kao i sve ostalo što nas ne čini sretnima u životu, kako ne postoji konkurencija koja te može ugroziti jer ako te jedna konkurencija može ugroziti onda si u krivoj niši, kako se ne treba sramiti sebe promovirati, kako je većina ideja loša ali nas to ne treba zaustaviti da ih smišljamo, kako je 99% ljudi loše na svojoj radnoj poziciji (ovo potvrđujem i ja iz iskustva u radu s ljudima), kako je bespotrebno nekoga uvjeravati u nešto u što ne vjeruju i na to gubiti energiju, kako treba živjeti u trenutku i svjesno raditi ono što radimo bez da uvijek multitaskamo, kako ne treba misliti na najcrnje scenarije u budućnosti koji se većinom ne dogode ili ako se dogode ne budu tako strašni, kako je iskrenost jedini način za uspjeh bez obzira na to što vlada mišljenje da se do novca dolazi jedino prevarom...
Zahvalnost. Puno puta spominjani koncept u ovakvim knjigama ali nije ga loše ponoviti. Jer kao što i on kaže, ako ih ne spominjemo nestati će.
Now, every day when I wake up I am grateful. I have to be. And I have to count the things that are abundant in my life. Literally count them. If I don’t they will begin to disappear. I’ve watched them disappear before. I don’t want it to happen again.
Kako isplivati ako vrijediš? Zašto sam osuđen da budem dole ako toliko želim i mislim da trebam biti gore?
For the past five thousand years, people have been largely enslaved by a few select masters who understood how violence, religion, communication, debt, and class warfare all work together to subjugate a large group of people.
Ovo je zanimljivo za razmišljati. Je li ja stvarno želim uspjeh zbog sebe ili zbog toga što sam okružen s tim pa uvijek želim više? Uvijek trebamo ići prema većoj televiziji, većoj kući, boljem autu pa onda postajemo robovi tih stvari jer trebamo raditi i zadržati taj posao kako bi mogli imati taj životni stil.
Everyone was learned. And they wanted two cars instead of one. A bigger house. Every kid in college. A bigger TV. How could we keep paying for that? Double incomes were no longer enough!
...The term “Keeping up with the Joneses” was introduced into popular culture in 1976 to refer to the idea that we are never satisfied anymore. No matter how many material goods we accumulate, there’s always the mysterious “Jones family” who has more. So we need more.
Znači to je razlog što cijene uvijek idu gore? Ima smisla. Znači, nema čekanja nego kupuj odmah :)
Prices are always going to go up. The reason is simple: deflation is scarier than inflation. In a deflationary environment, people stop buying things because they say to themselves, why should I buy today when I can buy tomorrow for cheaper? So the government will always institute policies that increase inflation. Which in turn will force the above trend in median earnings to continue to go down.
Netko će nas uvijek mrziti, na to se ne treba obazirati.
I’ve entertained millions of people, literally millions, but from my Amazon reviews you’d think my job was to punch babies in the mouth.
Strah od odbijanja je nešto što čim prije svatko treba savladati. Radi li se to o prilaženju curama ili pokretanju posla, nije bitno kako god. Koliko puta sam zamjerio nekome tko me odbio kao da je to nešto osobno protiv mene, svatko radi ono što je najbolje u njihovom interesu.
Rejection—and the fear of rejection—is the biggest impediment we face to choosing ourselves.
I’ve been rejected more than I care to remember; to the point where some days feel like enough is enough. When you put yourself out there on a daily basis, that’s going to happen (whether you deserve it or not):
You can’t hate the people who reject you. You can’t let them get the best of you. Nor can you bless the people who love you. Everyone is acting out of his or her own self-interest.
Sviđa mi se kako je opisao našu kućicu kao da smo puževi. Fizičko, emocionalno, mentalno i duhovno zdravlje su prioriteti pa onda iz toga proizlazi svi pozitivni rezultati prema vanjskom svijetu.
What you need to do is build the house you will live in. You build that house by laying a solid foundation: by building physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.
Negativnost donosi još više negativnosti. Oslobodi se toga. Okružen sam negativnim ljudima i situacijama svaki dan koji se svjesno fokusiraju na negativno, od takvih ljudi se već duže vremena distanciram. Ova knjiga mi je samo potvrdila da se toga trebam kloniti.
Dwelling on negativity won’t suddenly have positive results. It only brings more negativity into your head. You can’t buy happiness with the currency of unhappiness. The idea that we need to “pay our dues” is a lie told to us by people who wanted our efforts and labor on the cheap.
Volimo biti izabrani, pa makar od idiota. Kako samo predamo kontrolu nad svojim životom bilo kome. Stvarno nismo normalni. Hoće li se civilizacija početi mijenjati u tom smislu? Vjerujem da hoće ali će proći dosta vremena.
But this feeling of insecurity overwhelms us. When we are not chosen, we feel bad. When we are chosen—even by idiots—we feel like that one actress (I can’t remember and I refuse to look it up) who said at an awards ceremony, “You like me! You really, really like me!"
Prestani biti negativan. Traži stvari za koje možeš biti zahvalan. Ne trebaš ih puno tražiti jer su svugdje oko nas.
There’s absolutely nothing we can do at three in the morning about our regrets, our anxieties, our fears of loneliness or depression or poverty. The paranoia that creeps in from the cracks in the windows, from the cracks in our minds.
...instead of counting sheep to get back to sleep, count all the things you are grateful for. Even the negative parts of your life. Figure out why you should be grateful for them. Try to get up to one hundred.
Zanimljiv je ovaj koncept da sve što radimo mijenja svijet i utječe na ljude oko nas. Velika je to odgovornost kada se ovako prikaže.
This book is about becoming the ocean. About choosing yourself to be the ocean. So everything that you do emanates out like ripples, everything you do moves the earth, and enhances your life and the lives of all the people around you.
Ovo je lako reći ali teže za uraditi jer svi smo "utopljeni" u ovaj svijet s drugim ljudima. Ne možemo se izolirati kada nam to odgovara, a onda opet biti društven kada nam to odgovara.
Only think about the people you enjoy. Only read the books you enjoy, that make you happy to be human.
Only go to the events that actually make you laugh or fall in love. Only deal with the people who love you back, who are winners and want you to win too.
I used to go out every night. You never know, I would think. I used to go to every business meeting I was invited to. You never know, I would think. I used to go on TV every time I was asked. You never know, I would think. Maybe someone would SEE me. And call me and offer me and give me and want me and like me and love me. Maybe they would press the LIKE button on my face. Brilliant.
Sve do ove situacije s korona virusom nisam gledao vijest uopće. Nisam siguran da trebam i sada jer osjećam kao da nas previše orkestriraju s cijelom ovom situacijom.
Ninety-nine percent of meetings don’t turn into money. Ninety-nine percent of the news is a lie (trust me. I know them). Ninety-nine percent of TV is about scandal, murder, and cheating.
Ovo ispod je možda i najbolji citat iz ove knjige.
Most people obsess on regrets in their past or anxieties in their future. I call this “time traveling.” The past and future don’t exist. They are memories and speculation, neither of which you have any control over. You don’t need to time travel anymore. You can live right now.
...When you surrender and accept the beautiful stillness around you, when you give up all thoughts of the past, all worries and anxieties of the future, when you surround yourself with similarly positive people, when you tame the mind, when you keep healthy, there is zero chance of burnout.
Kada sam bio dijete mislio sam da odrasli imaju sve odgovore, da svi znaju šta trebaju raditi i kako trebaju živjeti. Onda sam odrastao i shvatio da nitko nema pojma šta radi. Zašto to netko ne kaže jadnoj djeci da znaju to jer veliki je pritisak misliti da si ti jedina osoba koja nema odgovor kako treba živjeti. Moje obećanje je da ću svima ovo reći kada dođu u te godine pred punoljetnost.
A lot of people want to die. And I don’t blame them. The most dreadful thing in life is not dying. It’s being born. Once you are born, you’re screwed. Now you have to actually survive. You have to grow from someone who craps their pants, can’t speak to anyone without crying, and can’t walk or feed themselves, to a full-grown adult who can barely do all of that while also juggling a mortgage, a marriage, kids, career, whatever, to finally being an old man who can’t do any of those baby-like things again. Then you die. No worries after that.
Tako jednostavno rečeno ovo ispod, a tako istinito. Malo tko radi na sebi. Odmah se to smatra nekim sebičnim činom jer si sam sebi fokus, ali u biti tako pomažemo svima oko sebe.
This is how we form a better society. First we become better as individuals. You can’t help others if you look in the mirror and hate what you see.
Never forget sales rule #1: Your best future clients are your current clients.
...only hire someone you wouldn’t mind sitting next to on a plane ride across the country.
The reality is there’s no such thing as competition. The world is big enough for two people in the same space. If it’s not, then you are in the wrong business. Your sector should be big enough for a hundred competitors. That’s great news. It means you’re probably going to make money.
The entire idea behind a corporation is to set up a legal structure that takes advantage of cheap labor.
Don’t forget: the best new customers are current customers.
The Physical Body: Am I eating well? Am I exercising? Am I flossing? Am I sleeping enough?
The Emotional Body: Am I surrounding myself with people who love me? Am I not engaging with the people who put me down, even if they are co-workers? Am I not gossiping? Am I expressing gratitude to the people who are good to me? I
All you have to do is stay in the present. When you catch yourself upset about the past or worried about the future, say to yourself, “Ah, I’m time traveling,” then STOP. That’s what meditation is.
Never ask permission, ask for forgiveness later.
She promoted herself down every avenue. That’s what you have to do to succeed. You can’t have any shame. I have a lot of shame in promoting myself, which I have to get over. She had no shame. Not to over-repeat a catchphrase, but Sara didn’t wait for anyone to choose her. She chose herself in every way.
In an interview with Forbes she said, “I feel like money makes you more of who you already are. If you’re an asshole, you become a bigger asshole. If you’re nice, you become nicer. Money is fun to make, fun to spend, and fun to give away.”
As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you can’t—either way you are right.”
We only ever remember the things we are passionate about. Ultimately, these become the fields where ideas bloom and are harvested. Everything else dries up inside and dies.
Try to think back to all the things you were ever passionate about from the age of five on. You’ll be surprised how many things there were.
Some good places to start are brainpickings.org, thebrowser.com, and (not safe for work), extragoodshit.phlap.net. I might not get any ideas from what I see, but seeds might be planted.
But the reality is, most ideas are bad. Most of my ideas are bad. I want you to feel comfortable coming up with hundreds of bad ideas.
most people are bad at their jobs. It’s rare that someone is actually good at what they do. I know maybe ten people who are good at their jobs. This is not a criticism. It’s just a fact.
Do you really think you are going to change anyone’s mind? I always wonder, who are these people who spend all day on Internet message boards and comments sections getting really angry and trying to prove that their opinion is THE opinion that everyone should have.
I’m trying to eliminate things. Not just material belongings I no longer need or never really needed to begin with, but all those things we’ve been taught from birth are “important” or “our way of life” that have actually become burdens and wastes of time because we cling to them and protect them like they are more precious than the time and energy we waste protecting them.
Only worry about your own happiness, which doesn’t have to be limited by anyone else’s stupidity unless you allow it to be.
“Nobody should go to elementary school anymore because it’s a brainwashing concentration camp posing as a glorified babysitting service!” becomes “Really?”
But almost as good as hugging is imagining yourself being hugged or cuddled by someone you love. Huh. It’s really funny how the brain does that.
it’s much better to single-task. Just do one thing at a time. When you wash your hands, don’t try to brush your teeth. Hear the sound of the water, feel the water on your hands, scrub every part. Be clean. Focus on what you are doing.
For instance, if I look up when Charlemagne was born I’d just add a fact to my head that I will forget tomorrow but will clutter my subconscious mind. This won’t make me smarter.
Paranoia is certainly one of them. Waking up in the middle of the night and wondering: is she cheating? Is he stealing? Are they talking about me? Will they sue me? Etc. You lose about 30 to 50 percent of your intelligence.
Because people sense and appreciate honesty, and honesty about imperfections, believe it or not, creates enormous opportunities. I’ve seen it happen in my own life.
I’ve spent at least a year of my life, when you add it up, thinking of the worst-case scenario. Even though the worst-case scenario HAS NEVER HAPPENED. Or if it does happen, it was never as bad as I thought it would be.
Dishonesty never works. Honesty is the only way to make money in today’s world.
Anger is a form of dishonesty. Nobody is perfect. It’s a lie to expect the people around you to be perfect.
Sometimes I’m angry at people I’m trying to do deals with. But they have their own motivations, fears, worries, and anxieties. They don’t have to do everything I expect of them.
In a way that’s the most exciting thing—to hear the difference in the songs I’m making between this year and the last, and then think “What will I be making by NEXT year?”—there’s always room to grow and that’s exciting.
Surf God Laird Hamilton. She said, “In life, you will always have 30 percent of people who love you, 30 percent who hate you and 30 percent who couldn’t care less.” When I heard that, my entire worldview changed. Suddenly, when someone didn’t like me or expressed negativity toward something I was doing, I just said, well, that’s from the 30 percent who won’t like me no matter what I do or say. Good!
Stick with the people who love you and don’t spend a single second on the rest. Life will be better that way.
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