My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Pročitao sam je odmah nakon prvog djela pa je zato ova knjiga malo podbacila, realno teško je napisati onako dobru knjigu kao što je prvi dio. Knjiga sigurno sadrži dobre pouke ali je daleko lošija nego prvi dio. Zbog ovoga shvaćam strah nekoga tko je uspio da dalje stvara jer postoji mogućnost da neće biti tako dobro kao to što mu je donijelo uspjeh. Mislim da bi bolje bilo da nije pisao ovaj nastavak jer je na neki način umanjio vrijednost one prve knjige. Kako? Pa jer je ponovno pokušao sa 10 svezaka dati upute kako živjeti život, a mislim da je to odradio s prvom knjigom i da nije dalje trebao. Ako je Hafid dobio 10 svezaka za uspješan život, zašto je Hafid osjećao potrebu pisati novih 10? Ne znam, meni djeluje isforsirano. Ne morate se složiti :)
Ispod ukratko 10 svezaka (preuzeto sa bondoverbks.wordpress.com)
The FIRST Vow of Success: Never again will I pity or belittle myself – I was born to succeed, not to fail, – it is time to study the reflection in my looking-glass until I recognize that the most harmful enemy I have…is me.
The SECOND Vow of Success: Never again will I greet the dawn without a map – To drift from day-to-day is easy – there is an immeasurable distance between late and too late.
The THIRD Vow of Success: Always will I bathe my days in the golden glow of enthusiasm – There is a new meaning to my existence – without enthusiasm I am doomed to a life of mediocrity but with it I can accomplish miracles.
The FOURTH Vow of Success: Never again will I be disagreeable to a living soul – I can never achieve my goals without the help of others and yet I can see, reflecting on my past, that my actions have kept me imprisoned behind bars of regret.
The FIFTH Vow of Success: Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity – the sun does not always shine – there will still be days and weeks and months when everything I attempt results in frustration and failure.
The SIXTH Vow of Success: Never again will I perform any task at less than my best – I have cheated myself for too long – how much easier my work would be if I put forth as much effort trying to improve the quality of it as I have spent in trying to find excuses for not properly attending it.
The SEVENTH Vow of Success: Always will I throw my whole self into the task at hand – I have scattered my efforts in so many directions.
The EIGHTH Vow of Success: Never again will I wait and hope for opportunity to embrace me – Opportunities, many times, are so small that we glimpse them not and yet they are often seeds of great enterprises.
The NINTH Vow of Success: Always will I examine, each night, my deeds of the fading day – Experience is the name that mankind has always given to its follies or its sorrows – today’s lessons can be tomorrow’s foundation for a better life providing I have the will to learn from them and I do.
The TENTH Vow of Success: Always will I maintain contact, through prayer, with my creator -I will never forget that the greatest talent God has bestowed on me is the power to pray.
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