Review: The Third Door: The Wild Quest to Uncover How the World's Most Successful People Launched Their Careers

The Third Door: The Wild Quest to Uncover How the World's Most Successful People Launched Their Careers The Third Door: The Wild Quest to Uncover How the World's Most Successful People Launched Their Careers by Alex Banayan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ne mogu vjerovati da sam ovako brzo pročitao ovoliku knjigu. Apsolutno nikada u jednom danu nisam pročitao ovoliku knjigu, ma ni približno. Ovu knjigu nisam mogao prestati čitati. Tako je lagana za pratiti i zanimljiva da sam toliko pozitivno iznenađen. Stvarno je bio užitak čitati. Čitavo vrijeme sam se osjećao kao da sam ja u cipelama autora i razgovaram sa svim ovim osobama iz knjige. Uvukao me u priču kao rijetko koja knjiga, pa mogu reći i nikada nijedna. Ovo je non-fiction knjiga koja je napisana kao da je fiction. Zaista je bio užitak čitati ovo remek djelo mladog autora.

Ovo je knjiga u kojoj sam zabilježio preko 50 bilješki i citata. Pa ovo je u biti knjiga u kojoj sam i počeo raditi bilješke bez preskakanja. prije bih to uradio tu i tamo, ali nakon ove knjige to će biti uvijek. Ako Bill Gates to radi, mogu i ja. Prepuna je situacija u kojima sam se prepoznao ili savjeta koje sam prihvatio objeručke. Zaista uz Tim Ferrisov "Četverosatni radni tjedan" ovo je najbolja knjiga koju sam pročitao ove godine.

Ispod sam izvukao samo neke od fantastičnih citata iz ove knjige.

Many times the hardest part about achieving a dream isn’t actually achieving it—it’s stepping through your fear of the unknown when you don’t have a plan. Having a teacher or boss tell you what to do makes life a lot easier. But nobody achieves a dream from the comfort of certainty.

“Luck is like a bus,” he told me. “If you miss one, there’s always the next one. But if you’re not prepared, you won’t be able to jump on.”

How many times have people told you, ‘You can’t interview these types of people’? How many times have they said, ‘No way’? Don’t let anyone tell you your dream isn’t possible. When you have a vision, you’ve got to hang in there. You’ve got to stay in the fight. It’s going to get tough. You’re going to hear no. But you’ve got to keep pushing. You’ve got to keep fighting.

“It’s because you’re overthinking it,” he said. “Just tell yourself you’re calling your friend, dial the number, and start talking right away. The best cure for nervousness is immediate action.”

Ever since then, I’ve lived my life by one motto: Bite off more than you can chew. You can figure out how to chew later.”

“No matter how great the talent or effort, some things just take time. You can’t produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant.”

“I will tell you the secret to getting rich on Wall Street. You try to be greedy when others are fearful. And you try to be fearful when others are greedy.”

“frog kissing.” It’s a term Kamen coined to motivate his engineers, spun from the fairy tale of the princess and the frog. Think of a pond full of frogs. Each frog represents a different way to solve your problem. Kamen tells his engineers that if they keep kissing frogs, eventually one will turn into a prince. So even when you’ve kissed dozens of frogs—and all you have as a result is a nasty taste in your mouth—Kamen says to keep kissing them, and eventually, you’ll find the prince.

“The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”—THOMAS EDISON

“You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.”—BABE RUTH

“My success is based on persistence, not luck.”—ESTÉE LAUDER

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”—ALBERT EINSTEIN

“We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough.”—HELEN KELLER

Only after looking you in the eye can someone get a sense if you’re genuine. You may be using the same words in an email, but it’s a different experience in person.

For me, a single lesson stood out among the rest. Although his talent for coding was remarkable, none of this would have happened if Gates hadn’t pushed through his fears in his dorm room, picked up the phone, and called MITS. It was his ability to do the hard, uncomfortable thing that made this opportunity possible.

The lesson: figure out your opponent’s fears, then use them to your advantage.

Growth comes from mistakes. You have to cherish them, so you can learn from them.

I swore to myself that from now on I would be unattached to succeeding, and unattached to failing. Instead, I would be attached to trying, to growing.

“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”

Genius is the opposite of expectation,’
The potential to unlock your future is in your hands—but first you have to pick up the damn phone.

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