My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Mala ali zanimljiva knjiga. Knjiga s puno jednostavnih savjeta na prvi pogled ali isto tako kvalitetni ako o njima dublje promislimo. Možda najvažnija stvar koju sam izvukao iz ove knjige je da odradim stvari i onda kada mi se ne daju raditi. Što znači da svaki čovjek na svijetu nije uvijek raspoložen uraditi ono što treba, ali oni uspješni to urade bez obzira kako se osjećali. Druga stvar koju je on naglasio u ovoj knjizi, a slažem se maksimalno, je to da ćemo svi umrijeti i da zbog toga trebamo biti puno slobodniji i sretniji svaki dan koji živimo koristiti maksimalno i bez straha.
Ispod se nalazi sedam savjeta iz ove knjige koji su analizirani po poglavljima.
“I Am Willing”
“I Am Wired to Win”
“I Got This”
“I Embrace the Uncertainty”
“I Am Not My Thoughts; I Am What I Do”
“I Am Relentless”
“I Expect Nothing and Accept Everything”
"We sometimes avoid simple things like folding laundry and unloading the dishwasher, when they actually take little time and effort. With enough of these little persistent items hanging around it’s easy to collapse them in with the bigger, more important things until we find ourselves overwhelmed or exhausted by life."
"In fact, stoic philosophers like Aurelius believed that outside events hold no power over us at all. We create our own reality with our minds." - Stvarno je život jednostavan kada ga posložiš u glavi onakav kakav je. Sve što nas brine ili veseli je u našem mozgu i našem poimanju svijeta.
"Scientists have discovered that our thoughts can actually change the physical structure of our brain. This phenomenon, neuroplasticity, is revolutionizing the way we think about the human mind." - Zamisli samo koja je to moć da naše misli doslovno mijenjaju fizičku strukturu mozga.
"A simple way that I re-frame my own everyday “problems” is by relating to them as opportunities. They instantly become items in my life that I use to educate and expand myself. I become curious and engaged with them rather than my usual default annoyed and frustrated self!" - Gledaj na sve kao na priliku za napredovanje, a ne kao problem. Savjet koji se provlači kroz mnog knjige i koji ću si doslovno negdje isprintati da vidim svaki dan.
"The physiological and psychological impact of using in-the-moment, assertive language is not only powerful, it has a very real in-the-moment effect. There’s a massive difference between, “I am relentless” and, “I will be relentless”." - Buduće vrijeme kao da u nama daje neku dozu ležernosti pa to ne doživimo tako duboko kao kada istu rečenicu izgovorimo u sadašnjosti. U budućem vremenu je kao alibi za odgađanje.
"There is no greater knowledge than the knowledge you have verified for yourself, in your own experience." - Knjige su odlična stvar ali treba se otvoriti prema svijetu i što više iskustava proći.
"“Stop blaming luck. Stop blaming other people. Stop pointing to outside influences or circumstances.” - Ne traži krivca van. Ako si ti kriv za sve onda imaš i moć da promijeniš to.
"By defending your circumstances as they are right now, you are actually making a case for being where you are. Give it up."
"Believe me, I hear you, “I am willing but...”. Every time you add the “but” to the end of that statement, you turn yourself into the victim." - Izbaci opravdanja. Nema ali. Točka. Ne želim čuti ali.
"Ask yourself “am I willing?” over and over until you can hear it, first thing in the morning, last thing at night, while you’re driving, while in the shower, “Am I willing?” Ask, ask, ask until a resounding YES echoes through your consciousness. I AM WILLING! I ask you again, “Are you willing?”." - Jesi li voljan raditi ono što trebaš? Pitaj se svaki dan. Nemoj maštati o onom što želiš nego se pitaj jesi li voljan uraditi sve što trebaš da bi došao do toga.
"Can’t seem to increase your income? Can’t seem to lose weight? Have you considered the subconscious, concealed beliefs about your income and your weight that may be driving your action (or lack of it)?" - Možda ti je u podsvijesti stalno da nisi vrijedan nečega ili nisi sposoban nešto uraditi pa te to sprječava. Znam da mene je. Na svom prvom radnom mjestu sam mislio da svi znaju više i bolje od mene. Vrlo brzo se pokazalo da nisam bio u pravu.
"Believe it or not, it’s not necessarily any harder to make $60k than it is $30k. You may think it is, but that’s not an absolute." - Isto sati u danu ima onaj što zarađuje 30k i 60k.
"Right now, your mind is unconquerable when it comes to proving that you’re not worthy of love, that you’re lazy, or that you’ll always be out of shape or never have any money. But if we change our thinking a little, we can use our mind’s unconquerable nature to act on all the positive goals and dreams we hold for ourselves. We are wired to win– we just have to point ourselves in the right direction so we can win at something we consciously choose." - Mi u biti pobjeđujemo ali u krivom smjeru. Ako se debljaš ti pobjeđuješ u tome jer jedeš lošu hranu i ne vježbaš. To je tvoj put i ti pobjeđuješ.
"If you’re having financial trouble, you’ll either consciously or subconsciously stress about it at dinner, which means you don’t enjoy our meal. You start feeling on edge around family. You feel resentful toward your spouse and distant from your children. You’re annoyed when your dog barks or when your neighbors make too much noise."
"But you’ll get through it all, the good and the bad, just like you did in the past. You’ll stand there like the champion you are because they’re all just yet another passing scene in the movie that is your life’s story."
"Look at your track record; you’ve really got this! You’ll make it work, just like you always have. You had it then and you got it now." - Uspio si se i dosad izvući iz svih situacija u životu pa nema razloga da tako ne nastaviš i dalje. Samo se opusti i radi, uživaj u životu.
"It’s the environment in which you grow, experience new things and produce new, unprecedented results. Uncertainty is where new happens." - U neizvjesnosti počinje rast.
"Think about it: How can you go to new places if you never leave the house? How can you make friends and start romances without meeting new people? How can you do anything new by doing what you’ve always done?" - Ovo su ti jednostavni savjeti o kojima sam govorio na početku koje autor navodi ali su istiniti i mogu se iskoristiti.
"Reflect on that Teddy Roosevelt quote for a minute here. Missing the target isn’t the worst thing you can do. Not taking the shot is."
"They didn’t succeed because they were certain they were going to succeed; They succeeded because they didn’t let uncertainty stop them. They did it anyway. They ignored their doubts and kept pushing forward."
"Nothing is certain. You could go to sleep tonight and never wake up. You could get in your car and never make it to work. Certainty is a complete illusion." - Ovo stalno govorim kada želim nekoga potaknuti na više hrabrosti ili akcije u životu.
"They’re based on cognitive biases, faulty information, or conditioning. Use science as an example. What we believed 5, 10 or 20 years ago has since been disproved."
"If we put ourselves in uncomfortable situations, maybe we’ll look awkward. People will think we’re “weird”." - Ovog se mnogi plaše i to ih sprječava da žive onako kako žele.
"You’re never going achieve your true potential if you’re hooked by what other people think. In fact, you could change your life overnight if you simply abandoned the notion that other people’s opinions matter."
"But if you want to win, you have to be willing to be judged by others and not let it get to you."
"If you want to do something truly great, you’ll have to accept that some people are going to think you’re delusional or an idiot or righteous."
"Every day you engage in activities that you don’t really want to do."
"As I consistently say to my clients, you don’t have to feel like today is your day, you just have to act like it is."
"When you’re doubting yourself too much to get started. Forget all of it. Just take that first step. And the next one. And the next one. You are not our thoughts. Act. You are what you do."
"Listen, when it comes down to it, the world doesn’t stop you from succeeding; you’re not that big of a deal. The universe is neither conspiring for nor against you, and the only thing that stops you is when you buy into the notion that you are stopped. Then, my friend, you really are stopped."
"An opinion only becomes true when you accept it and stop acting on your potential."
"Take a moment to examine that situation, and you’ll soon realize that your anger was a product of expectations."
"Don’t expect victory or defeat. Plan for victory, learn from defeat."
"“It’s this simple, in order to improve your internal world, you have to start by taking action in the external world. Get out of your mind, and get out into your life.”
"Life doesn’t work like that. There is no perfect mood. And while you’re waiting on it to improve and miraculously make your life better eh, guess what? Your life isn’t getting any better!"
"One day, you’re going to die. You’re going to stop breathing, become still, and cease to exist. You will exit this physical plain. Whether it’s tomorrow or twenty years from now, it’s going to happen."
"Imagine that you’re on your death bed. You hear the beep... beep... beep of the monitor nearby. Your health is critical, and you’ve only got a few hours to live. You can feel your heartbeat and energy slide. As you lie there, you start to look back on your life. You never made the change you wanted. You stayed stuck in that same job, that same relationship, that same overweight body until now, the day you die."
"Regret? Remorse? Sorrow? What would you give if you could go back to this moment—the one in which you’re reading this book—and do things differently? If only…."
"You won’t regret not making a million dollars, you’ll regret never starting that business or quitting that lousy job. You won’t regret not marrying a supermodel, you’ll regret staying in that dead-end relationship when you knew you could do better. You won’t regret not looking like a bodybuilder, you’ll regret stopping at the drive thru every night on your way home and living a lie."
"You need to use every waking hour of your life to further your cause, no excuses." - Ovo je nešto što radim već mogu reći zadnjih par godina, to mi je promijenilo život kao ništa prije.
Završavamo ovu recenziju s najvažnijom poukom ove knjige.
"You are not your thoughts. You are your actions. You are what you do."
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