My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Odlična knjiga koja se pročita u jednom danu. Jedna od onih knjiga koje sam "progutao" bez da sam gledao koliko dugo čitam. Drugačiji pristup nego što sam navikao od knjiga za poduzetnike pa mi se zato možda još više sviđa jer sam se u njoj pronašao. Kada sam krenuo sa svojim prvim poslom bio sam preopterećen sa detaljima kao što su poslovni plan, financijske konstrukcije i slične stvari koje se uče na fakultetima. Mislio sam da bez znanja tih pojmova neću biti u stanju nikada pokrenuti nikakav posao. Žao mi je da ovu knjigu nisam tada pročitao.
Previše ljudi trči za stvarima koje ih u biti ne usrećuju.
Kada stvaramo vlastiti biznis, mi u biti stvaramo svoj mali svijet u kojem možemo imati pravila kakva želimo. (naravno da se misli na normalna pravila, a ne na neku tiraniju)
Nikad ne zaboravi da sve što radiš u firmi treba biti za dobrobit tvog klijenta ili kupca.
Poanta cijele knjige je da ne tražimo posao koji nam može donijeti novac, jer ljudi to "namirišu" pa je odbojno. Nego traži da pokreneš posao u kojem možeš iskreno pomoći nekome, a onda uz takav stav će posao i rasti.
Smiješno je kako Derek kroz cijelu knjigu govori o tome kako nikad nije želio da mu ova firma naraste, htio je biti samo glazbenik, ali zbog toga jer je njegova usluga pomagala ljudima ona je i rasla.
Svaka preporuka za ovu fantastičnu knjigu.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 29
Don't be on your deathbed someday, having squandered your one chance at life, ful of regret because you pursued little distractions instead of big dreams.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 32
Business is not about money. It's about making dreams come true for others and for yourself.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 33
Making a company is a great way to improve the world while improving yourself.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 34
When you make a company, you make a utopia. It's where you design your perfect world.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 34
Never do anything just for the money.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 35
Don't pursue business just for your own gain. Only answer the calls for help.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 39
Make yourself unnecessary to the running of your business.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 91
But “revolution” is a term that people use only when you're successful. Before that, you're just a quirky person who does things differently.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 100
But now... Wow! It was like I had written a hit song. A songwriter can write a hundred songs; then suddenly one of them real y resonates with people and becomes a hit. Who knows why? It's not that it's necessarily better. But through some random circumstance or magic combination of ingredients, people love it.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 105
Success comes from persistently improving and inventing, not from persistently doing what's not working.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 115
Every request to start a new project. If you're not saying “HELL YEAH!” about it, say “no.”
Highlight (yellow) - Location 127
Any time you think you know what your new business will be doing, remember this quote from Steve Blank: No plan survives first contact with customers.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 143
Never forget that absolutely everything you do is for your customers. Make every decision—even decisions about whether to expand the business, raise money, or promote someone—according to what's best for your customers.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 170
It's so funny when I hear people being so protective of ideas (especial y people who want me to sign an NDA before they tell me about the simplest ideas). To me, ideas are worth nothing unless they are executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 203
Because no one client can demand that you do what he says, you are your own boss (as long as you keep your clients happy in general).
Highlight (yellow) - Location 300
That's the Tao of business: Care about your customers more than about yourself, and you'll do well .
Highlight (yellow) - Location 303
If you set up your business like you don't need the money, people are happier to pay you.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 304
When someone's doing something for the money, people can sense it, like a desperate lover. It's a turnoff.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 306
It's another Tao of business: Set up your business like you don't need the money, and it'll likely come your way.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 323
When one customer wrongs you, remember the hundred thousand who did not. You're lucky to own your own business. Life is good. You can't prevent bad things from happening. Learn to shrug. Resist the urge to punish everyone for one person's mistake.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 409
The thought was that it's almost impossible to tell what someone's going to be like on the job until he's actually on the job for a few weeks. So I'd hire lightly and fire lightly. Luckily we didn't need to fire that often.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 431
There's a benefit to being naive about the norms of the world— deciding from scratch what seems like the right thing to do, instead of just doing what others do.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 580
You have my full permission to use that guideline to make these decisions yourself in the future. Do what makes the musicians happiest. Make sure everyone who deals with us leaves with a smile.”
Highlight (yellow) - Location 600
To be a true business owner, make sure you could leave for a year, and when you came back, your business would be doing better than when you left.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 612
Happiness is the real reason you're doing anything, right? Even if you say it's for the money, the money is just a means to happiness, right? But what if it's proven that after a certain point, money doesn't create any happiness at all , but only headaches? You may be much happier as a $1 million business than a $1 billion business.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 641
Trust, but verify. Remember it when delegating. You have to do both.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 689
Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Hel er were at a party at a billionaire's extravagant estate. Kurt said, “Wow! Look at this place! This guy has everything!” Joseph said, “Yes, but I have something he'll never have.... Enough.”
Highlight (yellow) - Location 713
Pay close attention to when you're being the real you and when you're trying to impress an invisible jury.
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