My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Odmah da kažem da svakako preporučam da pročitate ovu knjigu. Zašto? Zato što je ovo autobiografija koja se čita kao da je roman jer ima radnju i događaje koji su prezanimljivi. Cijelo vrijeme si napet da vidiš šta će se dogoditi jer su događaji nepredvidljivi, ponajviše zbog čudnog ponašanja te scijentološke sekte (crkve). A posebno je zanimljivo jer su likovi pravi ljudi i to još poznate ličnosti kao što su Tom Cruise, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston, itd.
Scijentološka crkva
Uvijek me zanimalo šta je to ta scijentološka crkva, to sam kroz ovu knjigu i saznao. Znao sam da je mračna ali nisam znao de je ovoliko mračna. Na dosta dijelova ove knjige sam se osjećao kao da čitam Orwellow klasik "1984", ono što je još više nastrano je da svi ti vjernici u toj crkvi na sve to pristanu dobrovoljno, da stvar još bude gora to sve skupo plaćaju. Kada kažem skupo mislim stvarno skupo, do te mjere da Leah opisuje kako su im pomagali da dobiju minus na računu da bi im samo mogli uzeti što više.The King of Queens

Tom Cruise

L. Ron Hubbard

Uglavnom, sve preporuke da pročitate jer je knjiga fantastična.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 157
When a car alarm went off, there would be five Joeys and Frankies out on the street with bats within two minutes. There was no such thing as minding your own business. If a boyfriend was fighting with his girlfriend, another guy would start yelling at him: “Yo, don’t fuckin’ talk to a girl like that.” ’Nuff said.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 252
When it came to my trading hickeys for leg warmers, I was very specific about just what it was going to take to get me to put my lips on a boy’s neck—we’re talking a minimum of three pairs, preferably purple, purple with glitter, and light purple. It was a brilliant idea, if I do say so myself.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 390
(The church claims to have roughly 10 million parishioners worldwide, but this number apparently includes anyone who has ever bought a book, taken a course, or entered a church building. Estimates of the actual worldwide members are closer to 35,000.)
Highlight (yellow) - Location 566
Dad would tell Nicole and me over and over again throughout our childhood that he wasn’t even sure if we were his real children because our mother was a slut. And on top of this, during the brief time we did spend with my dad, we lived in fear of his violent episodes. To us, the thought of living with him was worse than joining a “cult.”
Highlight (yellow) - Location 578
We were taught that getting a Scientology education was the equivalent of getting a doctorate in the real world.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 663
The RPF was the ultimate form of punishment and your time there could last for months or even years during which you basically weren’t even considered a person.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 941
I had to come home and tell her that I didn’t. That we were going to eat Taco Bell again for dinner. That we couldn’t buy furniture. While my mother never discouraged me, it broke my heart having to face up to this failure in her eyes. It killed me that I couldn’t help my family, and that we were living this way.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 1507
Kevin told me not to worry about it. “If you ever feel bad about yourself, Leah, I need you to go to Germany,” he said. “Swear to God. We’re like the Beatles over there.”
Highlight (yellow) - Location 1737
There I was, hiding out in Albertsons, because I needed to be away from the bottles, the diapers, the crying. Just for a moment I wanted to feel like my old self.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 2019
Like when he invited some Scientologists and a few other celebrities like Will Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, to his house and announced he wanted to play hide-and-seek. At first I thought he was joking, but no, he literally wanted to play hide-and-seek with a bunch of grown-ups in what was probably close to a 7,000-square-foot house on almost three full acres of secluded land.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 2035
People say that celebrities stop developing emotionally at the age of their success—which for Tom had been with Risky Business at twenty-one.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 2330
“Hey, guys. How’s your mom? Do you see her a lot?” I asked. “Not if I have a choice,” Bella said. “Our mom is a fucking SP.”
Highlight (yellow) - Location 2638
Having been on a sitcom for nine years, where there were periods when Kevin and I weren’t talking to each other or the writers weren’t talking to either of us, I thought we would get through this, because to me a show is a family and all families fight but they eventually get past their rough moments.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 2675
We all have something to offer the world in some way, but by not being our authentic selves, we are robbing the world of something different, something special.
Highlight (yellow) - Location 3390
I couldn’t have gotten as far as I did in DWTS if I hadn’t had the guts to do the show in the first place. I had been asked to do the show in a previous season and had declined. I eventually agreed to do DWTS because I didn’t want to be scared to go out of my comfort zone; I didn’t want to care about what people thought of me anymore; I didn’t want to be judged for my decisions.
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