My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Zanimljva knjiga koja opisuje Tonyev put do uspjeha sa Zapposom. Mogu se izvući neke lekcije ali nije jedna od onih knjiga koje ne možeš ispustiti dok ne završiš. Bilo je dijelova u knjizi gdje previše detaljno opisuje neke interne dogovore i mailove od kojih se ne može nešto posebno naučiti, bar ja nisam. Tony opisuje kako je jedno vrijeme igrao i proučavao poker što se može osjetiti kasnije u njegovom odnosu prema poslu kada ide "all in" u Zappos prodajući zadnju nekretninu koju ima. Divim se takvoj hrabrosti (ludosti) ukoliko je istinita, ali isto tako je demoralizirajuća ako je to jedini način da uspiješ. Zašto mora biti tako sve ili ništa?
Najvažnija lekcija koju ću ponijeti iz ove knjige je važnost dobrog odnosa sa klijentima, dobavljačima i radnicima. U jednom primjeru navodi kako je netko nazvao Zappos korisničku službu jer nije mogao naći nigdje pizzu na šta su mu iz korisničke službe ponudili 5 mjesta u njegovoj blizini gdje može kupiti pizzu. Ovo je samo jedan pokazatelj koliko se Zappos trudi da udovolji klijentu jer smatra da je to najbolji marketing na svijetu.
Zanima me jedino koliko ljudi stvarno uživaju u toj kulturi koju je Zappos napravio? Uzima li to previše privatnog vremena ljudima? Ne mogu vjerovati da su svi dobri međusobno i da nema tračeva i klanova kao i u svakoj drugoj firmi. To mi je malo čudno i sigurno ću to malo provjeriti je li stvarno tako bajno kako to misli CEO Tony. Siguran sam da on uživa u tom. Doduše, i sam je rekao da odbijaju neke kvalitetne ljude koji bi im mogli pomoći jer procjene da se ne bi uklopio u tu kulturu koju oni gaje.
Na koji način objasniti ljudima koji ne čitaju koliko je to bitno? Ovakve stvari mogu proći samo u Americi. Ovdje bih bio ismijan.
"I’ve also always been an avid book reader. At Zappos, we encourage our employees to read books from our library to help them grow, both personally and professionally. There are many books that have influenced our thinking at Zappos and helped us get to where we are today."
Zanimljiv je lik ovaj Tony. Volio je i rave koncerte. Ne govori da je išta konzumirao ali ostavlja dojam da je.
"Back then, the rave community came together based on their four core values known as PLUR: Peace, Love, Unity, Respect."
"My mom was always making sure we weren’t eating things that might raise our cholesterol levels. I think maybe she saw a segment on the local news about cholesterol that freaked her out one night."
Ne treba previše forsirati djecu ali mislim da ih na ovom području premalo angažiramo. Šta bih ja sada dao da sam naučio svirati bar jedan instrument kao dijete.
"That was just part of the Asian culture: The accomplishments of the children were the trophies that many parents defined their own success and status by. We were the ultimate scorecard."
"Ever since selling LinkExchange, I’d committed to living by the philosophy that experiences were much more important to me than material things."
Ovo se apsolutno slažem jer nikada nisam volio networking koji djeluje usiljeno i neiskreno jer svi samo traže šta mogu izvući jedno od drugih.
"I’ve found that it’s more interesting to build relationships with people that are not in the business world because they almost always can offer unique perspectives and insights, and also because those relationships tend to be more genuine."
"So my advice is to stop trying to “network” in the traditional business sense, and instead just try to build up the number and depth of your friendships, where the friendship itself is its own reward."
"Even though it would hurt our growth, we decided to cut most of our marketing expenses, and refocused our efforts on trying to get the customers who had already bought from us to purchase again and more frequently. Little did we know that this was actually a blessing in disguise, as it forced us to focus more on delivering better customer service."
"Looking back, a big reason we hit our goal early was that we decided to invest our time, money, and resources into three key areas: customer service (which would build our brand and drive word of mouth), culture (which would lead to the formation of our core values), and employee training and development (which would eventually lead to the creation of our Pipeline Team)."
"Brand, our Culture, and our Pipeline (which we internally refer to as “BCP”) are the only competitive advantages that we will have in the long run. Everything else can and will eventually be copied."
"Brand, our Culture, and our Pipeline (which we internally refer to as “BCP”) are the only competitive advantages that we will have in the long run. Everything else can and will eventually be copied."
We’ve formally defined the Zappos culture in terms of 10 core values:
Deliver WOW Through Service
Embrace and Drive Change
Create Fun and a Little Weirdness
Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded
Pursue Growth and Learning
Build Open and Honest Relationships with Communication
Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit
Do More with Less
Be Passionate and Determined
Be Humble
"Ideally, we want all 10 core values to be reflected in everything we do, including how we interact with each other, how we interact with our customers, and how we interact with our vendors and business partners."
"In fact, the research shows that the happiness they thought they would achieve fades fairly quickly. For example, there have been of studies on lottery winners that compare their happiness levels right before winning the lottery with their happiness levels a year later. The studies generally find that a person’s happiness level reverts back to wherever it was before."
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